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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wedding Toss

I had saw something similar to this while flipping through a magazine while standing in line waiting on my daily dose of coffee. The theme was what I recently recreated during my participation in the Habitat for Humanity's Restore Restyle Designer Challenge, of "Wedding on the Farm." Instead of bubbles, sparklers, or birdseed for the ceremonial toss as the bride and groom exit into matrimonial bliss, why not throw some raw oats? They had made cute little cones (much like the one pictured) but had used Vintage Farm Auction Slips. Since the challenge was to create a room space using only items we found at Habitat Restore, I had to get a little creative and found some old worn books with some cool pictures. I will say that the hardest part about this was that I had to tear out pages from something that was in pretty decent condition and I absolutely try to avoid destroying something useable to make something else. I was lucky enough to find a book about song birds and one about year long planting with 2 great black and white illustrations per page. I simply tore the pages out, rolled them into a cone and then cut them in half and used my most favorite thing in the whole world, glue tape, on the back side corner of the cone. Presto... super cute holder's for all kinds of neat stuff. I used it for the oat toss, but I think it would also make great candy/popcorn holders or even super cute bouquet wraps. And since they did turn out so nicely and can be used in several different applications, my guilt about the books was put to ease.

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